Howard Mark

69 Jamie Court · Suffern, NY 10901 · 845-357-9496 ·



Chemometric and Statistical data analysis, Near-infrared spectroscopy, custom software development, custom hardware development, experimental design, computer programming (C, C++, MATLAB, Array BASIC, Visual BASIC, APL, FORTRAN)


1995 - Present: The Near Infrared Research Corporation, Suffern, N.Y. President - Design, develop and market products for spectroscopic analysis. Current products include:

High-pressure optical cell: patent #5,949,536

Fiber optic adapter for cell.

Software for quantitative and qualitative analysis containing unique proprietary algorithms for high-speed computation


1992 - Present: Mark Electronics - Consulting services for Near-Infrared analysis, Chemometric and Statistical data analysis, custom software design and development

Application development and validation of methods: including the first prototype validation protocol meeting requirements for FDA approval; Statistical advisor to NIRVWoG/PASG/PQRI initiative to amend USP chapter on NIR.

Instrument design & development.

Computer interfacing & control, custom software & hardware design & development, chemometric and statistical data analysis. Training courses in NIR, Statistics, and Chemometrics.

Training courses in Statistics, Chemometrics.& NIR


Activity list (clients and details of work proprietary):

Demonstrate statistical significance in calibration transfer studies for the Army.

Advisement on conceptual and design issues for novel type of NIR spectrometer.

Troubleshoot experimental setups, design experiments and analyze experimental data for industrial sensor company

Development and validation of chemometric NIR methods for major pharmaceutical company. Training and assistance to company personnel in implementing NIR analysis. Developed full-scale calibration and data analysis package: patent #6,549,861

Concept development and data analysis for company developing products for semiconductor industry: created algorithms and implemented computer programs to extract critical information from sensor data - currently under commercial development

Developed software architecture and programs for data collection, calibration and analysis software for instrument manufacturer

Detection and analysis of images.

Studies of equipment performance for NIR consumer device now enjoying international sales

Custom software development and application to NIR analysis of pharmaceutical products

Instrument hardware development for start-up medical instrument company developing products for atherosclerosis detection and measurement: implemented conceptual ideas into hardware

Statistical data analysis of beta-testing instrument data

Custom discriminant analysis software for automated industrial materials identification product of instrument manufacturer: is now successful product with international sales.

Discriminant analysis algorithms used for cancer detection for start-up medical device company

Custom software development including regression analysis software.

Data analysis for noninvasive medical diagnostic instruments.

Statistical analysis of instrument data for cancer detection.

Data analysis using commercial & custom software programs used for medical diagnosis for in-vivo glucose analysis.



1976 - 1992: Technicon Instrument Corp/Bran + Luebbe Analyzing Technologies, Elmsford, N.Y. Senior Scientist

R&D Dep't. - NIR

Became internationally-recognized expert in Chemometric, Statistical data analysis and multivariate calibration methodology

Created the first transferable calibration for NIR

Created the first Qualitative Analysis programs for NIR

Designed the first extended interference-filter NIR instruments

Designed the first internal-reference monochromator NIR instrument

Designed, built, and tested new electronic instrument products for chemical analysis, including grating and AOTF spectrometers: patent #5,039,855

Designed and developed automated computerized procedures for data collection and instrument testing: automated test procedures for manufacturing final test

Designed & tested AOTF (Acousto-optic Tunable Filter) based instrument.

Designed and implemented software for standard company products and also specialized computer programs for custom requirements: created first commercial NIR qualitative analysis program, created first complete combinations search program in the field for quantitative analysis


Applications Dep't - NIR:

Performed the first applications of NIR to textile, chemical, snack food, baking, milling, tobacco, and many other industries.

Received customer problem descriptions and devised solutions - satisfied customer needs to avoid product returns

Chemical analysis of customer products using company's electronic instruments/developed new methods for specialized analyses

Customer support through problem solving, adapting products to customer needs, and training: in-house and field support for problem solving

Represented company at scientific forums to keep abreast of useful developments and maintain company image as technological leader. Became internationally recognized expert in calibration methods for instrumentation, Chemometrics, Statistics, data analysis

Computer interfacing and programming in several languages: developed first communications protocols for remote data collection.

Manager, XRF Applications Dep't. - Set up Applications laboratory from scratch and supervised transition to routine operation.


1972-1976: New York University; NY, NY Research Scientist

Managed installation & operation of minicomputer system using BASIC and assembly language for research laboratory.

Designed & implemented electronic & optical instrumentation for adaptation of FTIR instrument to research problems.

Modified and programmed FTIR spectrometer to adapt to specialized analytical problems.

Developed system and application programs including I/O drivers, interrupt handlers, data acquisition, interface & diagnostic software.

Expertise in analog & digital electronics, optical instrumentation, high vacuum, metal machining, glass blowing.


1963-1966: City College of New York; NY, NY

Research Assistant

Development, checkout & operation of gas-chromatograph based monitoring system for air pollution & odor control studies: devised and created custom sample collection methods for in-house calibration and field air sample collection.



1964: Student awardee to Eastern Analytical Symposium

2003: Eastern Analytical Symposium Award for Achievement in Near Infrared Spectroscopy

2011: Williams-Wright Award from the Cobentz Society for Contributions to Vibrational Spectroscopy made while Working in Industry, Conferred at Pittcon 2011



"Dual-beam Acousto-optic Spectrometer", patent #5,039,855, August 13, 1991

"Spectroscopic System for Quantifying Constituents in Natural Products", patent # 5,818,045, October 6, 1998

"High-pressure Optical Cell for Spectrometry", Patent #5,949,536, September 7, 1999

"Automated System and Method for Spectroscopic Analysis", patent #6,549,861, March 15, 2003

"Near Infrared Blood Glucose Monitoring System", patent #6,675,030, January 6, 2004

“Testing Linearity of Methods of Chemical Analysis”, patent #6,795,785, September 21, 2004

“Gray Optical Standard”, patent #7,193,701, March 20, 2007



Statistics_in_Spectroscopy; Academic Press; 1991

Principles and Practice of Spectroscopic Calibration; John Wiley & Sons; 1991

Principles and Practice of Spectroscopic Calibration second edition; John Wiley & Sons

"Principles of Calibration" in Handbook of Near Infrared Analysis; Marcel Dekker; 1992

"Principal Component Analysis" in Handbook of Near Infrared Analysis; Marcel Dekker; 1992

"Discriminant Analysis" in Handbook of Near Infrared Analysis; Marcel Dekker; 1992

"An Analysis of NIR Data Transformations" in Handbook of Near Infrared Analysis; Marcel Dekker; 1992

"Fundamentals of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" in Near-Infrared Applications in Biotechnology; Marcel Dekker; 2000

Associate editor: Handbook of Vibrational Spectroscopy, Wiley; 2001

"Quantitative Spectroscopic Calibration" in Handbook of Vibrational Spectroscopy; Wiley; 2001

"Qualitative NIR Analysis" in Near Infrared Technology in the Agricultural and Food Industries 2nd edition; AACC Publishers; 2001

"Quantitative Spectroscopic Calibration"; in Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry; John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester; 2000

Statistics_in_Spectroscopy Second edition; Elsevier; 2003

Chemometrics in Spectroscopy , Elsevier, 2007



1995 - 2005: Center for Professional Advancement short course: "Near-infrared Spectroscopy", offered in Amsterdam and New Brunswick

1989 - 2000: ACS short course "Practical Near Infrared Analysis", offered at Pittcon

1990 - 1998: FACSS short course: "Statistics in Spectroscopy"

1994 - 1995: Pittsburgh Conference short course: "Principles and Practice of Calibration"

1992 - 1993: Spectros, Associates short course: "Statistics for Analytical Chemists", offered at various venues

1992 - 1993: SDLI short course: "Laser Safety"

1992: EAS short course: "Near Infrared Spectroscopy: Theory and Present Applications"

1990-1992: Rockland Community College - Adjunct Professor - Computer Science - C programming

1968 - 1970: SUNY at Farmingdale - Laboratory Instructor - General Chemistry

1967 - 1968: New York University - Assistant Instructor - Analytical Chemistry



City College of N.Y., 1963, B.S. Chemistry

City College of CUNY, 1966, M.A. Chemistry

New York University, 1972, Ph.D. Physical Chemistry

1977: "Elementary Statistics", Technicon Instrument Corp. in-house education

1978: "Exploratory Data Analysis", Technicon Instrument Corp. in-house education

1979: "Experimental Design", Technicon Instrument Corp. in-house education

1979: "Discipline of Electrical Engineering - Math", Technicon Instrument Corp. in-house education



Contributing editor to Spectroscopy.

Editorial Advisory Board of Spectroscopy.

ASTM committee on standards for Chemometrics and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (ASTM E13.11)

Chair, ASTM Terminology committee (ASTM E13.94)

Associate Editor, Handbook of Vibrational Spctroscopy, Wiley

Exhibit Committee chair, International Diffuse Reflectance ("Chambersburg") Conference

Treasurer, New York section of the Society for Applied Spectroscopy

Statistical advisor to NIRVWoG, PASG, PQRI

Process Analytical advisory subcommittee to the federal Food and Drug Administration.

Past-President of Council for Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (CNIRS)

Past-Chair, New York Section of the Society for Applied Spectroscopy

Award committee of NY section of SAS (EAS Gold Medal award and student awards)

Chair, award committee for EAS chemometrics award.

Executive committee of JCAMP (Joint Committee for Atomic and Molecular Phenomena) - formulated JCAMP-DX data exchange standard

Near-infrared UMIX session at 1990 Pittsburg Conference



American Chemical Society (ACS)

Society for Applied Spectroscopy (SAS)

New York section of the Society for Applied Spectroscopy (Past chair, current treasurer NYSAS)

American Society for Testing & Materials (ASTM)

Council for Near Infrared Spectroscopy (Past president, current secretary CNIRS)

International Diffuse Reflectance Conference (Chair, exhibit committee, IDRC)


              PUBLICATION LIST - Howard Mark

1. Preliminary Evaluation of Gas‑Air Tracers; G.F. Collins, F.E. Bartlett, A. Turk, S.M Edmonds and H. Mark; Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association 15,3 p.109‑112 (1965)

2. Use of Gas Tracers for Micrometeorological Studies; A. Turk, S.M. Edmonds, and H. Mark; Division of Water, Air and Waste Chemistry, 147th meeting A.C.S., Detroit, Mich. April 5, 1965

3. Sulphur Hexafluoride as a Gas‑Air Tracer; A. Turk, S.M. Edmonds H. Mark and G.F. Collins; Environ. Sci. and Tech. 2,1 p.44‑48 (1968)

4. Tracer Gas Nondestructive Testing of Activated Carbon Cells; A. Turk, H. Mark and S. Mehlman; Materials Research and Standards 9,11 p.24‑26 (1969)

5. The Examination of Organic Coatings by Infrared Interference Spectroscopy; M.J.D. Low and H. Mark; Applied Polymer Symposia  10, p.145‑158 (1969)

6. Control of Vapor Leakage from Bottles of Volatile Reagents; A. Turk, E. Solomon and H. Mark; American Laboratory p.59‑60 Jan. 1970

7. Derivative Traces in Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy; M.J.D. Low and H. Mark; Applied Spectrosc. 24,1 p.129‑130 (1970)

8. Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy in the Coatings Industry I ‑ Infrared Spectra of Clear Coatings on Metal; M.J.D. Low an H. Mark; J. Paint Tech. 42,544 p.265‑275 (1970)

9. Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy in the Coating Industry II ‑ Optical Subtraction; M.J.D. Low and H. Mark; J. Paint Tech. 43,553 p.31‑41 (1971)

10. Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy in the Coatings Industry III ‑ Transmission/Absorption Spectra; M.J.D. Low, H. Mark and A.J. Goodsel; J. Paint Tech. 43,562 p.49‑57 (1971)

11. Background Elimination in Spectra Generated by Fourier Transform Spectrometers; H. Mark and M.J.D. Low; J. Applied Spect. 25,605 (1971)

12. SO2 Detection by Dual Beam Fourier Transform Spectroscopy; M.J.D. Low and H. Mark; Water, Air and Soil Pollution 1,1 p.3‑6 (1971)

13. Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy in the Coating Industry IV ‑ Reflection/Absorption Spectra; M.J.D. Low and H. Mark; J. Paint Tech., 44, 575 p.52‑57 (1972)

14. The Modification and Some Uses of a Commercial Infrared Fourier Transform Spectrometer; M.J.D. Low, A. Goodsel and H. Mark; Molecular Spectroscopy 1971 ‑ Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Molecular Spectroscopy, organized by the Institute of Petroleum Hydrocarbon Research  Group, Brighton, 21‑24 Sept. 1971, Edited by Peter Hepple, p.383‑402

15. Triggered‑Sweep Conversion for Oscilloscopes; H. Mark; QST 56(12), p.16‑17 (1972)

16. Experimental Feasibility Study of Forest‑Fire Detection by Infrared Dual Sensors; S.H.Chan, D.A. Nelson, M.J.D. Low and H. Mark; presented at the winter annual meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Heat Transfer Division, New York, N.Y., Nov 26‑30 1972, 72WA/HT19

17. Infrared Radiometric Study of the Temperatures of Ni‑SiO2 Catalysts During Coke Burnoff; H. Mark and M.J.D. Low; J. Catal., 29, p.507‑514 (1973)

18. Infrared Radiometric Study of the Oxidation of Silica‑supported Nickel; H. Mark and M.J.D. Low; J. Catal., 30, p.40 (1973)

19. Fourier Transform Spectroscopy in Flavor Analysis V ‑ Infrared Spectra of Vapors; M.J.D. Low, H. Mark and S.H. Chan; Ag. and Food Chemistry, 22(3), p.489 (May/June 1974)

20. Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy in the Coatings Industry V ‑ Measurement of Thickness of Films of Clear Coatings on Metals; M.J.D. Low and H. Mark; J. Paint Tech., 46, 594 p.65 (July 1974)

21. An All‑Solid‑State Keyer for Cathode‑Keyed Transmitters; H. Mark; QST 58(10) p.24 (Oct. 1974)

22. High Resolution Spectra of Air Pollutants with Fourier Transform Spectroscopy; S.H. Chan, D.A. Nelson, M.J.D. Low and H. Mark; J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer; 14, p.287‑298 (1974)

23. Effect of Beamspreading on Spectra Obtained with Fourier Transform Spectrometers; H. Mark and M.J.D. Low; Infrared Physics, 15, p.1‑8 (1975)

24. The Sampling of Interferograms for Fourier Transform Spectra; H. Mark and M.J.D. Low; Infrared Physics, 15, p.33‑37 (1975)

25. "Qualitative Near‑Infrared Reflectance Analysis Using Mahalanobis Distances"; H. L. Mark and D. Tunnell; Analytical Chemistry; 57(7) p.1449‑1456 (1985)

26. "Unique‑Sample Selection via Near‑Infrared Spectral Subtraction"; D. E. Honigs, G. M. Hieftje, H. L. Mark and T. B. Hirschfeld; Analytical Chemistry; 57(12) p.2299‑2303 (1985)

27. "Normalized Distances for Qualitative Near‑Infrared Reflectance Analysis"; H. Mark; Analytical Chemistry; 58(2) p.379‑384 (1986)

28. "Critical Values of Several Statistics at High Probability Levels for use with Near‑Infrared Wavelength Searches"; H. Mark and J. Workman; Spectroscopy; 1(5) p.39‑46 (1986)

29. "Method for Daily Check of Wavelength Accuracy in Near‑Infrared Reflectance Spectrophotometers"; M. Dzwinczyk and H. Mark; Spectroscopy; 1(6) p.51 (1986)

30. "Effect of Repack on Calibrations Produced for Near‑Infrared Reflectance Analysis"; H. Mark and J. Workman; Analytical Chemistry; 58(7) p.1454‑1459 (1986)

31. "Comparative Study of Calibration Methods for Near‑Infrared Reflectance Analysis Using a Nested Experimental Design"; H. Mark; Analytical Chemistry; 58(13) p.2814‑2819 (1986)

32. "Reactive Silica XVI ‑ Reaction with Cyclopropane, Benzene and Toluene"; M.J.D. Low, E. McNelis and H. Mark; Journal of Catalysis; 100, p.328‑335 (1986)

33. "Statistics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 1 ‑ Random Numbers or Real Data?"; H. Mark and J. Workman; Spectroscopy; 2(1), p.38‑39 (1987)

34. "Statistics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 2 ‑ Important Concepts from Probability Theory"; H. Mark and J. Workman; Spectroscopy; 2(2), p.60‑64 (1987)

35. "Use of Mahalanobis Distances to Evaluate Sample Preparation Methods for Near‑Infrared Reflectance Analysis"; H. Mark; Analytical Chemistry; 59(5), p.790‑795 (1987)

36. "Statistics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 3 ‑ Populations and Samples: the Meaning of "Statistics""; H. Mark and J. Workman; Spectroscopy; 2(3), p.47‑49 (1987)

37. "Statistics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 4 ‑ Degrees of Freedom"; H. Mark and J. Workman; Spectroscopy; 2(5), p.52‑57 (1987)

38. "Statistics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 5 ‑ Introduction to Distributions and Probability Sampling"; J. Workman and H. Mark; Spectroscopy; 2(6), p.58‑60 (1987)

39. "Statistics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 6 ‑ The Normal Distribution"; H. Mark and J. Workman; Spectroscopy; 2(9), p.37‑43 (1987)

40. "Report on JCAMP"; H. Mark; Newsletter of the Council for Near‑Infrared Spectroscopy, issue #3, p.2‑3, Sept. 1987

41. Book Review: review of "Near Infrared Spectroscopy in Food Analysis", B.G. Osborne and T. Fearn, John Wily and Sons, New York, 1986; H. Mark; Analytical Chemistry; 59(19), p.1156A‑1159A (1987)

42. "Statistics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 7 ‑ Alternative Ways to Calculate Standard Deviation"; H. Mark and J. Workman; Spectroscopy; 2(11), p.38‑42 (1987)

43. "Studies of Principal Components as a Calibration Method for Near‑Infrared Reflectance Analysis"; H. Mark; Chimicaoggi, Edizione: Teknoscienze Srl.; p.57‑65 (Sept. 1987)

44. "Statistics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 8 ‑ The Central Limit Theorem"; H. Mark and J. Workman; Spectroscopy; 3(1), p.44‑48 (1988)

45. "Statistics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 9 ‑ Synthesis of Variance"; J. Workman and H. Mark; Spectroscopy; 3(3), p.40‑42 (1988)

46. "Statistics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 10 ‑ Where Are We and Where Are We Going?"; J. Workman and H. Mark; Spectroscopy, 3(5), p.41‑43 (1988)

47. "Catalog of the Effects of Non‑linearity on Multivariate Calibrations"; H. Mark; Applied Spectroscopy; 42(5), p.832‑844 (1988)

48. "Statistics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 11 ‑ More and Different Statistics"; H. Mark and J. Workman; Spectroscopy, 3(8), p.13‑15 (1988)

49. "Statistics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 12 ‑ The t Statistic"; H. Mark and J. Workman; Spectroscopy, 3(9), p.18‑20 (1988)

50. "Report from JCAMP Meeting, February 24, 1988, Pittsburg Conference"; H. Mark; Newsletter of the Council for Near‑Infrared Spectroscopy, issue #5, p.4, Sept. 1988

51. "A New Approach to Generating Transferable Calibrations for Quantitative Near‑Infrared Spectroscopy"; H. Mark and J. Workman; Spectroscopy, 3(11), p.28‑36 (1988)

52. "Statistics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 13 ‑ Distribution of Means"; H. Mark and J. Workman; Spectroscopy, 3(9), p.40‑43 (1988)

53. "A Monte‑Carlo Study of the Effect of Noise on Wavelength Selection During Computerized Wavelength Searches"; H. Mark; Applied Spectroscopy, 42(8), p.1427‑1440 (1988)

54.  "Statistics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 14 ‑ One‑ and Two‑ Tailed Tests"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 4(1), p.52‑55 (1989)

55. "Statistics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 15 ‑ Philosophical Interlude"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 4(2), p.55‑57 (1989)

56. "Methods of Determining the True Accuracy of Analytical Methods"; Mark, H., Norris, K. and Williams, P.C.; Anal. Chem.; 61(5), p.398‑403 (1989)

57. "Report on JCAMP"; H. Mark; Newsletter of the Council for Near‑Infrared Spectroscopy, issue #6, p.2, Feb. 1989

58. "Statistics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 16 ‑ Biased and Unbiased Estimators"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 4(3), p.56‑58 (1989)

59. "Statistics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 17 ‑ The Variance of Variance"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 4(6), p.43‑44 (1989)

60. "Chemometrics in Near‑Infrared Spectroscopy"; Mark, H.; Analytica Chimica Acta; 223(1), p.75‑93 (1989)

61. "Statistics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 18 ‑ Hypothesis Testing of Chi‑Square"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; ‑ Spectroscopy; 4(7), p.53‑54 (1989)

62. "Statistics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 19 ‑ More Hypothesis Testing"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 4(8), p.65‑66 (1989)

63. "Statistics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 20 ‑ Statistical Inferences" Mark, H. and Workman, J.;  Spectroscopy; 5(1), p.52‑54 (1990)

64. "Statistics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 21 ‑ How to Count" Mark, H. and Workman, J.; ‑ Spectroscopy; 5(2), p.52‑55 (1990)

65. "Statistics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 22 ‑ And Still Counting" Mark, H. and Workman, J.; ‑ Spectroscopy; 5(3), p.55‑56 (1990)

66. "Statistics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 23 ‑ Contingency Tables" Mark, H. and Workman, J. ‑ Spectroscopy; 5(4), p.55‑57 (1990)

67. "Statistics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 24 ‑ What Do You Mean, Random?"; Mark, H. and Workman, J. ‑ Spectroscopy; 5(7), p.48‑52 (1990)

68. "Statistics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 25 ‑ The F Statistic"; Mark, H. and Workman, J. ‑ Spectroscopy; 5(8), p.53‑55 (1990)

69. "Statistics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 26 ‑ Precision and Accuracy: Introduction to Analysis of Variance";  Mark, H. and Workman, J. ‑ Spectroscopy; 5(9), p.47‑50 (1990)

70. "Advances in Near Infrared Analyzer Technology"; Mark, H. and Kemeny, G.; Chemical Processing, 54(2), p.54‑58 (1991)

71. "Statistics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 27 ‑ Analysis of Variance and Statistical Design of Experiments";  Mark, H. and Workman, J. ‑ Spectroscopy; 6(1), p.13‑16 (1991)

72. "Statistics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 28 ‑ Crossed and Nested Experiments"; Mark, H. and Workman, J. ‑ Spectroscopy; 6(4), p.52‑56 (1991)

73. "Statistics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 29 ‑ Miscellaneous Considerations Regarding Analysis of Variance"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.;  ‑ Spectroscopy; 6 (July/August) p.40‑44 (1991)

74. "Statistics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 30 ‑ Pitfalls of Statistics"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.;  ‑ Spectroscopy; 6(7), p.42‑44 (1991)

75. "Statistics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 31 ‑ Pitfalls of Statistics Continued"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.;  ‑ Spectroscopy; 6(9), p.50‑52 (1991)

76. "Statistics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 32 ‑ Calibration in Spectroscopy"; Workman, J. and Mark, H.; ‑ Spectroscopy; 7(1), p.44‑46 (1992)

77. "Statistics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 33 ‑ Calibration: Linear Regression as a Statistical Technique"; Workman, J. and Mark, H.; ‑ Spectroscopy; 7(3) p.20‑23 (1992)

78. "Statistics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 34 ‑ Error Sources in Calibration"; Workman, J. and Mark, H.; ‑ Spectroscopy; 7(4) p.12‑14 (1992)

79. "Statistics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 35 ‑ Selecting the Calibration samples"; Workman, J. and Mark, H.; ‑ Spectroscopy; 7(6) p.16‑18 (1992)

80. "Statistics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 36 ‑ Developing the Calibration Model"; Workman, J. and Mark, H.; ‑ Spectroscopy; 7(8) p.14‑17 (1992)

81. "Statistics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 37 ‑ Auxiliary Statistics for the Calibration Model"; Workman, J. and Mark, H.; ‑ Spectroscopy; 7(9) p.14‑19 (1992) 

82. "Statistics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 38 ‑ The Beginning"; Workman, J. and Mark, H.; ‑ Spectroscopy; 8(1) p.12‑15 (1993)

83. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 1 ‑ A New Beginning"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 8(4) p.12‑15 (1993)

84. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 2 ‑ Elementary Matrix Algebra, Part 1"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 8(7) p.16‑19 (1993)

85. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 3 ‑ Elementary Matrix Algebra, Part 2";  Workman, J. and Mark, H.; Spectroscopy; 8(8) p.16‑18 (1993)

86. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 4 ‑ Matrix Algebra and Multiple Linear Regression, Part 1";  Workman, J. and Mark, H.; Spectroscopy; 8(9) p.16‑20 (1993)

87. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 5 ‑ Matrix Algebra and Multiple Linear Regression, Part 2";  Workman, J. and Mark, H.; Spectroscopy; 9(1) p.16‑29 (1994)

88. "Qualitative Analysis of Thin‑film Polymer Samples Using Near‑IR Spectroscopy for Recycling Applications"; Castro, P. and Mark, H.; Spectroscopy; 9(1) p.27‑32 (1994)

89. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 6 ‑ Matrix Algebra and Multiple Linear Regression, Part 3";  Workman, J. and Mark, H.; Spectroscopy; 9(4) p.18‑19 (1994)

90. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 7 ‑ Matrix Algebra and Multiple Linear Regression: Conclusion"; Workman, J and Mark, H.; Spectroscopy; 9(5) p.22‑23 (1994)

91. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 8 ‑ Experimental Designs ‑ Part 1"; Mark, H., and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 9(8) p.26‑27 (1994)

92. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 9 ‑ Experimental Designs ‑ Part 2"; Mark, H., and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 9(9) p.30‑32 (1994)

93. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 10 ‑ Experimental Designs ‑ Part 3"; Mark, H., and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 10(1), p.17‑20 (1995)

94. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 11 ‑ Analytic Geometry, Part I"; Workman, J. and Mark, H.; Spectroscopy; 10(4), p.22‑24 (1995)

95. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 12 ‑ Analytic Geometry, Part II"; Workman, J. and Mark, H.; Spectroscopy; 10(5), p.19 (1995)

96. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 13 ‑ Analytic Geometry, Part III"; Workman, J. and Mark, H.; Spectroscopy; 10(6), p.20‑21 (1995)

97. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 14 ‑ Analytic Geometry, Part IV"; Workman, J. and Mark, H.; Spectroscopy; 10(8), p.28-29 (1995)

98. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 15 ‑ Experimental Designs Part IV - Varying Parameters to Expand the Design"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 10(9), p.21-22 (1995)

99. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 16 ‑ Experimental Designs Part V - One-at-a-time Designs"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 11(2), p.43 (1996)

100. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 17 ‑ Experimental Designs Part VI - Sequential Designs"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 11(4), p.32-33 (1996)

101. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 18 ‑ Experimental Designs Part VII - b, The Power of a Test"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 11(6), p.30-31 (1996)

102. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 19 ‑ Experimental Designs Part VIII - b, The Power of a Test (Continued)"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 11(8), p.34 (1996)

103. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 20 ‑ Experimental Designs Part IX - Sequential Designs Concluded"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 12(2), p.28-31 (1997)

104. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 21 ‑ Calculating the Solution for Regression Techniques - Part I: Multivariate Regression Made Simple"; Workman, J. and Mark, H.; Spectroscopy; 12(5), p.32-36 (1997)

105. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 22 ‑ Calculating the Solution for Regression Techniques - Part II: Principal Component(s) Regression Made Simple"; Workman, J. and Mark, H.; Spectroscopy; 12(6), p.32-33 (1997)

106. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 23 ‑ Calculating the Solution for Regression Techniques - Part III: Partial Least Squares Regression Made Simple"; Workman, J. and Mark, H.; Spectroscopy; 12(9), p.36-37 (1997)

107. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 24 ‑ Looking Ahead and Behind"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 13(1), p.30-31 (1998)

108. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 25 ‑ A Simple Question"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 13(4), p.26-29 (1998)

109. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 26 ‑ Calculating the Solution for Regression Techniques - Part IV: Singular Value Decomposition"; Workman, J. and Mark, H.; Spectroscopy; 13(5), p.10-11 (1998)

110. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 27 ‑ Linearity in Calibration"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 13(6), p.19-21 (1998)

111. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 28 ‑ Challenges: Unsolved Problems in Chemometrics"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 13(10), p.11-15 (1998)

112. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 29 ‑ Linearity in Calibration - Act II Scene I"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 13(11), p.18-21 (1998)

113. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 30 ‑ Linearity in Calibration - Act II Scene II"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 14(1), p.16-17 (1999)

114. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 31 ‑ Linearity in Calibration - Act II Scene III"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 14(2), p.16-27,80 (1999)

115. "A Novel Spectroscopic Cell for Process Monitoring"; Mark, H. and Todd, T.; Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 3537, Proceedings of the SPIE meeting, Boston, Mass. November 2-5, 1998, p.16-24, Fahalli, M., Nordstrom, R.J., and Todd, T. eds.6

116. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 32 ‑ Linearity in Calibration - Act II Scene IV"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 14(5), p.12-14 (1999)

117. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 33 ‑ Linearity in Calibration - Act II Scene V"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 14(6), p.12-14 (1999)

118. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 34 ‑ A Blueprint for Collaborative Laboratory Studies"; Workman, J. and Mark, H.; Spectroscopy; 15(1), p.16-25 (2000)

119. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 35 ‑ Using ANOVA for Collaborative Laboratory Studies, Part Two"; Workman, J. and Mark, H.; Spectroscopy; 15(2), p.28-29 (2000)

120. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 36 ‑ Testing for Systematic Error in Collaborative Laboratory Studies, Part Three"; Workman, J. and Mark, H.; Spectroscopy; 15(5), p.28-29 (2000)

121. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 37 ‑ Ranking Test for Collaborative Studies, Part Four"; Workman, J. and Mark, H.; Spectroscopy; 15(6), p.26-27 (2000)

122. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 38 ‑ Efficient Comparison of Two Methods for Collaborative Laboratory Studies, Part Four"; Workman, J. and Mark, H.; Spectroscopy; 15(7), p.16-19 (2000)

123. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 39 ‑ More About Collaborative Laboratory Studies, a Brief Recap and Additional Resources, Part Five"; Workman, J. and Mark, H.; Spectroscopy; 15(9), p.27 (2000)

124. Sidebar in "After Twenty Years of Testing, Now it's Time for Validation"; Ritchie, G. and Ciurczak, E.; American Pharmaceutical Review, 3(3), p.34-40 (Fall, 2000)

125. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 40 ‑ Is Noise Brought by the Stork?: Analysis of Noise, Part 1"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 15(10), p.24-25 (2000)

126. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 41 ‑ Analysis of Noise, Part 2"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 15(11), p.20-23 (2000)

127. "Quantitative Spectroscopic Calibration", chapter in Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry, R.A. Myers, (Ed.), p13587-13606, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester (2000)

128. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 42 ‑ Analysis of Noise, Part 3"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 15(12), p.14-17 (2000)

129. "Fundamentals of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy"; chapter in "Practical Spectroscopy Series Volume 25: Near-Infrared Applications in Biotechnology", R. Raghavachari, ed., Marcel Dekker, New York (2001)

130. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 43 ‑ Analysis of Noise, Part 4"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 16(2), p.44-52 (2001)

131. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 44 ‑ Analysis of Noise, Part 5"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 16(4), p.34-37 (2001)

132. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 45 ‑ Analysis of Noise, Part 6"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 16(5), p.20-24 (2001)

133. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 46 ‑ Analysis of Noise, Part 7"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 16(7), p.36-40 (2001)

134. "Validation of a Near-Infrared Transmission Spectroscopic Procedure, Part A: Validation Protocols"; Mark, H., Ritchie, G.E., Roller, R.W., Ciurczak, E.W., Tso, C. and MacDonald, S.A.; J. Pharm. & Biomed. Anal.; 28(2); p.251-260 (2002)

135. "Validation of a Near-Infrared Transmission Spectroscopic Procedure, Part B: Application to Alternate Content Uniformity and Release Assay Methods for Pharmaceutical Solid Dosage Forms"; Mark, H., Ritchie, G.E., Roller, R.W., Ciurczak, E.W., Tso, C. and MacDonald, S.A.; J. Pharm. & Biomed. Anal.; 29(1-2), p.159-171 (2002)

136. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 47 ‑ Analysis of Noise, Part 8"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 16(11), p.36-40 (2001)

137. "Qualitative Near-Infrared Analysis", chapter in Near-Infrared Technology in the Agricultural and Food Industries (2nd ed.), P. Williams and K. Norris, (eds.), American Association of Cereal Chemists, St. Paul, MN (2001)

138. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 48 ‑ Analysis of Noise, Part 9"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 16(12), p.23-26 (2001)

139. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 49 ‑ Analysis of Noise, Part 10"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 17(1), p.42-49 (2001)

140. "I Didn't See the Cows!: Investigating NIR Transmittance Measurements Through the Use of the Norris Regression (NR) Algorithm, Part 1: How Do We Come to Norris Regression?"; NIR News, 13(1), p.4-6 (2002)

141. "Quantitative Spectroscopic Calibration", chapter in Handbook of Vibrational Spectroscopy Volume 3, J.R. Chalmers & P.R. Griffiths, eds., John Wiley & Sons (2002) p.2258-2275

142. "Chemometrics Abbreviations and Glossary", in Handbook of Vibrational Spectroscopy Volume 3, J.R. Chalmers & P.R. Griffiths, eds., John Wiley & Sons (2002) p.2379-2388

143. "I Didn't See the Cows!: Investigating NIR Transmittance Measurements Through the Use of the Norris Regression (NR) Algorithm, Part 2: Theoretical Considerations"; NIR News, 13(2), p.3-5 (2002)

144. "The FDA is Coming!! The FDA is Coming!!"; NIR News, 13(3), p.12-14 (2002)

145. "Analysis of Noise in Fourier Transform Infrared Spectra"; Appl. Spectrosc., 56(5), p.633-639 (2002)

146. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 50 ‑ Analysis of Noise, Part 11"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 17(6), p.23-25 (2002)

147. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 51 ‑ Analysis of Noise, Part 12"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 17(10), p.38­-41,56 (2002)

148. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 52 ‑ Analysis of Noise, Part 13"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 17(12), p.123-125­ (2002)

149. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 53 ‑ Analysis of Noise, Part 14"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 18(1), p.38-43­ (2003)

150. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 54 ‑ Derivatives in Spectroscopy, Part 1: The Behavior of Derivatives"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 18(4), p.32-37­ (2003)

151. "Evaluation of the Conformity Index and the Mahalanobis Distance as a Tool for Process Analysis: a Technical Note"; G.E. Ritchie, H. Mark and E. Ciurczak; AAPS PharmSciTech; 4(2, Article 24), p.198-207 (2003)

­152. "Application of an Improved Procedure for Testing the Linearity of Analytical Methods to Pharmaceutical Analysis"; Mark, H.; J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal.; 33; p.7-20 (2003)

153. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 55 ‑ Derivatives in Spectroscopy, Part 2: The True Derivative"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 18(9), p.25-28­ (2003)

154. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 56 ‑ Derivatives in Spectroscopy, Part 3: Computing the Derivative"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 18(12), p.106-111­ (2003)

155. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 57 ‑ Derivatives in Spectroscopy, Part 4: Calibrating with Derivatives"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 19(1), p.44-51­ (2004)

156. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 58 ‑ Comparison of Goodness of Fit Statistics for Linear Regression, Part I"; Workman, J. and Mark, H.; Spectroscopy; 19(4), p.38-41­ (2004)

157. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 59 ‑ Comparison of Goodness of Fit Statistics for Linear Regression, Part II"; Workman, J. and Mark, H.; Spectroscopy; 19(6), p.29-33­ (2004)

158. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 60 ‑ Comparison of Goodness of Fit Statistics for Linear Regression, Part III"; Workman, J and Mark, H..; Spectroscopy; 19(7), p.31-33­ (2004)

159. “Quantitative Analysis”; Westerhaus, M., Workman, J., Reeves, J.B., Mark, H.; p.133-174; in “Near Infrared Analysis in Agriculture”; Roberts, C.A., Workman, J., Reeves, J.B., eds.; American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America, pubs.; Madison, Wisconsin (2004)

160. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 61 ‑ Comparison of Goodness of Fit Statistics for Linear Regression, Part IV"; Workman, J. and Mark, H.; Spectroscopy; 19(10), p.30-32 (2004)

161. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 62 ‑ Derivatives in Spectroscopy - Update"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 19(11), p.110-112 (2004)

162. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 63 ‑ Linearity in Calibration, Act III, Scene I: The Importance of Non-Linearity"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 20(1), p.56-59 (2005)

163. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 64 ‑ Linearity in Calibration, Act III, Scene II: The Durbin-Watson Statistic"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 20(3), p.34-40 (2005)

164. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 65 ‑ Linearity in Calibration, Act III, Scene III: Other Tests for non-Linearity"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 20(4), p.38-39 (2005)

165. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 66 ‑ Linearity in Calibration, Act III, Scene IV: How to test for Non-Linearity"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 20(9), p.26-35 (2005)

166. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 67 ‑ Linearity in Calibration, Act III, Scene V: Quantifying Non-Linearity, Part I"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 20(11), p.96-100 (2005)

167. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 68 ‑ Linearity in Calibration, Act III, Scene VI: Quantifying Non-Linearity, Part II"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 21(1), p.44-54 (2006)

168. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 69 ‑ Connecting Chemometrics to Statistics, Part 1: The Chemometrics Side"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 21(5), p.34-38 (2006)

169. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy ‑ Part 70 ‑ Connecting Chemometrics to Statistics, Part 2: The Statistics Side"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 21(6), p.34-36 (2006)

170. “Uncertainty Estimation and Figures of Merit for Multivariate Calibration”; A.C. Olivieri, N.M. Faber, J. Ferre, R. Boque, J.H. Kalivas & H. Mark; Pure Appl. Chem; 78(3); p.633-661 (2006)

171. “Chemometrics in Spectroscopy, Part 71: Limitations in Analytical Accuracy, Part I: Horwitz's Trumpet”; Spectroscopy; 21(9), p.18-24 (2006)

172. “Chemometrics in Spectroscopy, Part 72: Limitations in Analytical Accuracy, Part II”: Theories to Describe the Limits and Compare Test Results for Analytical Uncertainty”; Spectroscopy; 22(2), p.20-26 (2007)

173. “Chemometrics in Spectroscopy, Part 73: Corrections to Analysis of Noise, Part I”; Spectroscopy; 22(5), p.14-21 (2007)

174. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy - Part 74 - Corrections to Analysis of Noise, Part II; Mark, H. and  Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 22(6), p.28‑29 (2007)

175. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy - Part 75 - What can NIR Predict?”; Mark, H. and  Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 22(6), p.20‑26 (2007)

176. “Simplifying Chemometrics for Pharmaceutical Analysis”; Pharmaceutical Manufacturing; June, 2007; p.33-35 (2007)

177. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy - Part 76 - The Long, Complicated, Tedious and Difficult Route to Principal Components (or, when you're done with this set, you'll know why it's always done with matrices): Part I”; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 22(9), p.20‑29 (2007)

178. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy - Part 77 - The Long, Complicated, Tedious and Difficult Route to Principal Components (or, when you're done with this set, you'll know why it's always done with matrices): Part II”; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 23(2), p.30‑37 (2008)

179. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy - Part 78 - The Long, Complicated, Tedious and Difficult Route to Principal Components (or, when you're done with this set, you'll know why it's always done with matrices): Part III”; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 23(5), p.14‑17 (2008)

180. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy - Part 79 - The Long, Complicated, Tedious and Difficult Route to Principal Components (or, when you're done with this set, you'll know why it's always done with matrices): Part IV”; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 23(6), p.22‑24 (2008)

181. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy - Part 80 - The Long, Complicated, Tedious and Difficult Route to Principal Components (or, when you're done with this set, you'll know why it's always done with matrices): Part V”; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 23(10), p.24‑29 (2008)

182. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy - Part 81 - The Long, Complicated, Tedious and Difficult Route to Principal Components (or, when you're done with this set, you'll know why it's always done with matrices): Part VI”; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 24(2), p.16‑26 (2009)

183. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy - Part 82 - The Long, Complicated, Tedious and Difficult Route to Principal Components (or, when you're done with this set, you'll know why it's always done with matrices): Part VII”; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 24(2), p.14‑15 (2009)

184. “Pittcon 2009 New Product Review”; Mark, H; Spectroscopy; 24(2); p.22‑51 (2009)

185. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy - Part 83 - Statistics and Chemometrics for Clinical Data Reporting”; Workman, J. and Mark, H.; Spectroscopy; 24(6), p.18‑20 (2009)

186. “An Overview of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), Part 1”; Mark, H.; NIR News; 20(5), p.14-15 (July/August 2009)

187. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy - Part 84 - Statistics and Chemometrics for Clinical Data Reporting, Part II: Using Excel for Computations”; Workman, J. and Mark, H.; Spectroscopy; 24(10), p.20-24 (2009)

188. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy - Part 85 - Statistics and Chemometrics for Clinical Data Reporting, Part II: Using Excel for Data Plotting”; Workman, J. and Mark, H.; Spectroscopy; 25(2), p.24-31 (2010)

189. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy, Part 86; Classical Least Squares Part 1: Mathematical Theory"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 25(5); p.16-21 (2010)

190. "Pittcon 2010 New Product Review"; Mark, H.; Spectroscopy; 25(5); p.32-62 (2010)

191. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy, Part 87; Classical Least Squares Part 2: Mathematical Theory Continued"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 25(6); p.20-25 (2010)

192. "Milestones in Spectroscopy"; Mark, H.; Spectroscopy; 25(6); p.34-41 (2010)

193. “Comparison of the Use of Volume Fractions with Other Measures of Concentration for Quantitative Spectroscopic Calibration Using the Classical Least Squares Method”; Mark, H., Rubinovitz, R., Heaps, D., Gemperline, P., Dahm, D. and Dahm, K.; Appl. Spect.; 64(9); p.995-1006 (2010)

194. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy, Part 88; Classical Least Squares Part 3: Spectroscopic Theory"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 25(10); p.22-31 (2010)

195. "Chemometrics in Spectroscopy, Part 89; Classical Least Squares Part 4: Spectroscopic Theory Continued"; Mark, H. and Workman, J.; Spectroscopy; 26(2); p.26-33 (2011)